First note...

At last my Baby Karolina is at the age when we can do with her so many things, including crafts and different other activities. Staying in Larnaca, Cyprus, I was feeling very lonely from the beginning as I didn't have friends and didn't know people so well... just random meetings. But time is passing...time is changing. So, I found very nice play groups where mum go with there little ones after what I made some friends. Comunicating with other mummies I become more interested in their so-called being-a-mummy-experience and see how different and interesting it can be. Here in this blog I would like to tell about my experience and what I learnt from other mums. I would love to listen also your opinions and may be also advices.


  1. Hi, Just found you via Mums in Cyprus, it's good to see another 'Mummy blogger' from Cyprus!

  2. Thank you, Emma!!!I was always interested in such kind of things from school times)))Before I was writing some things in Russian, and have a relatively young blog in Russian language about life around, just inetersting facts or funny situations...I wanted that my friends can share this experience with me together since I am very far from them now. And at present moment my baby is a "little grown up" that I can do many things with her and get reply back...which is very nice feeling!!!and of course i have this opportunity with time not so long ago...Anyway,I hope this blog will work for good and like-minded people will find each other and keep together! Nice to meet, Emma!
